Asian American Family in SUV Chased and Attacked by Motorcycle Gang

8A-2013-09-30-alexian-lienAfter a fender bender on the road (in which a biker cut off the SUV and was accidentally hit), 33 year-old Manhattan resident Alexian Lien, his wife Rosalyn Ng, and their baby were chased in their black Range Rover by a group of motorcyclists. Alexian was eventually dragged out of his car and assaulted by multiple bikers on the pavement.

The original video, which was also uploaded to LiveLeak, is evidently from another one of the bikers.

The incident is being cited by various blogs as a reason of why people should be allowed to carry guns.

From NY Daily News:

Alexian Lien’s Range Rover was surrounded by several bikers on the West Side Highway on Sunday. One biker apparently cut the driver off and slammed on the brakes just before the SUV bumped his rear tire. But when Lien — who was driving his wife, Rosalyn, and their 2-year-old child — stopped, several bikers began to damage his SUV. Lien fled, striking one biker. But the group caught up to him and pummeled him before cops arrived.


More at: Daily Mail, The Epoch Times, Metro.US, Hinterland Gazette

h/t: Anonymous 8Asians reader

Image credits: Jalopnik and Alexian’s Facebook

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About jozjozjoz

jozjozjoz is a taiwanese-american gal who lives and blogs underneath the hollywood sign and who doesn’t clean her fishtank unless the fish starts to do the backstroke. she is also able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, but cannot stop from bumping into door handles, cabinet doors, and anything else that protrudes or has a sharp edge. she does not run with scissors for this same reason. she can pet the fur off a dog but don’t ask her to go anywhere near a horse. or a moth. or a roach. her dealings with L.A.’s finest (aka the parking violations department) are legend, as are her giant sneezes. Other than the two too many joz’s, jozjozjoz is a perfectly normal, relatively sane individual who defies the odds, reaches for the stars, and carries moonbeams home in a jar. She’d rather be a fish… but not in her own dirty fishtank.
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