HBO Develops China Doll, New Show About Interracial Family, A Robot & China

HBO has a new show in the works! The title of the show is China Doll (that’s ALMOST racist, right?). As much as I want it to be about Asian drag queens, it’s not. Apparently it’s “about an interracial family and their humanoid robot” — and by interracial they are referring to “a successful California construction subcontractor” (most likely white — not confirmed yet) and “his Asian American wife who is a university professor, and a robot”.

Mark V. Olsen and Will Scheffer, the creators of the popular polygamous HBO drama, Big Love are the minds behind this Small Wonder-esque series. But instead of portraying the family-friendly comedic hijinks of a girl robot named Vicky, the show will explore the family’s attempt to “straddle both sides of the Pacific with extended families on two continents.”

Considering they already pushed the sociological envelope with a series about a dude with three wives, it only makes sense that Olsen and Scheffer would up the ante and explore this world of a man who has a relationship with a robot — an Asian robot at that.

Personally, I am excited. With movies like Air Doll and Lars and the Real Girl, a TV series exploring an intimate relationship with an inorganic being should provide hours of entertainment. The creators made this show to be “about China, Chinese Americans, robots, the effect of technology on our lives and the China moment in American consciousness” — that’s good and all, but imagine the disturbing sex scenes. EWWW! Most of all, I can’t wait for them to create a catchy theme song like that of Small Wonder.

I can’t WAIT!

[H/T Tirza & JS]

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About Dino-Ray

Dino-Ray Ramos is a movie hobbit, social media swaggerist, pop culture junkie, smart-mouthed Asian American warrior, and a well-rounded inhaler of all things entertainment. After uprooting from Texas, he migrated to San Francisco where he shares his irreverent take on high and low brow aspects of culture. In addition to feeding he writes for, Hyphen Magazine and the San Francisco Chronicle. You can also boost his self-esteem by following his musings on Twitter
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