Videogames in the classroom? Only in Japan!

Would anybody be surprised to learn that a school in Japan is using the Nintendo DS as part of their English language curriculum?

Not me. But I can hear the nerds around the country sighing with jealousy over another reason why “omg that’s why Japan is soooo cool” while putting together their cosplay costumes and organizing their anime collection. Just kidding, that’s mean.

According to this NPR article,

The DS, which is being used in a handful of school on a trial basis, was part of a course that included video of an American ordering at a fast-food restaurant, as well as audio of the dialogue that the students listened to on headphones and repeated.

AWESOME. I don’t know if other 8Asian-ers have the handheld system, but I really heart mine, and I must add that my favorite games on it (aside from the prerequisite Bust-A-Move and Mario Kart) are the brain-teaser/trivia ones like Brain Academy or Brain Age. Basically, anything with “brain” in it. Not only does it make me feel super smart (though very rarely), but it actually makes passing the time much more enjoyable.

In this case, students must practice writing and spelling the English vocabulary, putting the DS’ little stylus to good use.

When the students got the spelling right, the word “good” popped up on the screen, and the student went on to the next exercise.

Oooh, neat. Given are own country’s declining literacy levels, shouldn’t we try this out on our own kids?

By the way, did anyone else enjoy how this article pointed out that the school’s English language class also included lessons on how to order fast food? “Two hamburgers and two colas, please!” How stereotypical can you get? Just cause we’re obese doesn’t mean we only eat fast food! Not all American cuisine includes hamburgers and we drink more than just Coke! Yeah, it’s “coke,” not “cola.” RACIST!

Okay, now back to my quarter pounder with cheese.

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About Moye

I am a Japanese-American girl who was born, raised and is most probably stuck in traffic right this second in Los Angeles. I'm currently one of the co-editors of 8Asians and like to distract myself with good food, reading long books, playing video games, catching up on celebrity news, choosing my new new haircut and then writing all about it on Hello Moye and sometimes here on Twitter if I can get it in under 140 words or less. You can reach me at moye[at]
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