[Mar 24] NORTHERN CA: Information Session for Artists Interested in Applying to the Art in Storefronts: Chinatown Pilot Program

After a successful first round of installations in Central Market, Tenderloin, Bayview and Mission Districts, Art in Storefronts, will expand into San Francisco’s Chinatown in June.

Artists interested in participating in this pilot program are encouraged to attend an informational workshop where Arts Commission staff will review the guidelines and eligibility requirements, as well as what will make a proposal competitive. Chinese translation will be available.

The guidelines and application are now available on the San Francisco Arts Commission’s website at http://www.sfartscommission.org/storefronts. The deadline is Friday, April 16, 2010.

Art in Storefronts temporarily places original art installations and murals by San Francisco-based artists into vacant and under-utilized storefront windows and one wall in San Francisco’s Chinatown. This inventive citywide project engages local artists and reinvigorates neighborhoods that have been hard-hit by the economic downturn. It also provides artists, who have also been affected by the economy, with a unique opportunity to showcase their creativity in transforming vacant storefronts into free exhibition spaces and to garner public recognition for their work.

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