I Love Japanese Food T-Shirt

Do you love Japanese food? Share the love with this cute Sushi t-shirt ($25) from Cute Plush, adorned with tempura shrimp, sushi, onigiri, hot dog octopus and more! In case you don’t read Japanese, the text reads “I like Japanese food.” Now you can impress your friends by pretending to be fluent in the language when they ask what it all means. You can thank us later.

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About Moye

I am a Japanese-American girl who was born, raised and is most probably stuck in traffic right this second in Los Angeles. I'm currently one of the co-editors of 8Asians and like to distract myself with good food, reading long books, playing video games, catching up on celebrity news, choosing my new new haircut and then writing all about it on Hello Moye and sometimes here on Twitter if I can get it in under 140 words or less. You can reach me at moye[at]8asians.com.
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