Tag Archives: Movie Review

Nǎi Nai and Wài Pó: Review and Q&A with Oscar Nominated filmmaker Sean Wang

One of the things I have loved about living in the San Francisco Bay Area since I had moved out here in 1999 has been attending CAAMFest, or what it was known previous, as the San Francisco International Asian American … Continue reading

Posted in 8mm Film Review, 8Series, Entertainment, Local, Movies, San Francisco Bay Area, TV | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Sucker Punch Review: Full of Sexy Eye Candy & Sexy Explosions

Imagine Inception, Matrix, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Now dilute it with flashy 300-esque CG effects and add the scantily clad charm of Burlesque, the kitsch of Showgirls and a handful of women prison movies. Bake it at … Continue reading

Posted in Entertainment, Movies | Tagged , | 34 Comments