Recently, the San Francisco Hepatitis B Free Campaign launched a new controversial and in-your-face print, billboard and television advertising campaign in the Bay Area called “Which One Deserves to Die.” San Francisco has the highest rate of liver cancer in the United States due to the fact that 1 in 10 Asian Americans, most unbeknown to them, are infected with “Hep B” – a leading cause of that cancer. Asians make up over 30% of San Franciscans.
The campaign is being published in several languages including Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese targeting English-speaking doctors outside the Asian community who might not be aware of the prevalence of the disease amongst Asians.
We’ve blogged about Hepatitis B in the past and continue to do so since this disease affects Asian Americans disproportionately; Hep B is preventable, treatable and early treatment can save lives. And to my surprise, Hep B is not something that is screened normally when you donate blood. So the next time you have a checkup and blood work done, ask your doctor to check for Hep B.
And this is why you fill out the census, folks: so that such health awareness programs targeted to such specific demographics can get the much needed and appropriate federal aid that they deserve.
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Disgusted
- Sad
- Angry