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Category Archives: Health
Asian American Medical Hazard: Childhood Allergies
A recent study of Asian American children in Northern California has revealed that Asian American children are more likely to develop certain allergies than white children. When broken down by Asian American subgroup, Filipino children were almost twice as likely … Continue reading
Posted in Asian American Medical Hazard, Health
Tagged allergies, asthma, eczema, food allergies
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Nonsmoking Stanford Doctor and Professor tells his Lung Cancer Story
We have talked about the increasing incidence of lung cancer among female Asian American nonsmokers, but male Asian American doctor and Stanford professor Bryant Lin tells about his lung cancer story in a class called “From Diagnosis to Dialogue: A … Continue reading
What if “Gene of AI” became our future?
By Nathan Lin The Japanese cartoon, Gene of AI, available on Crunchyroll, is set in the future where ten percent of the population are humanoids with artificial intelligence (AI). They are robots that are almost exact copies of real … Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment, Health, Lifestyles, Technology, TV
Tagged AI, anime, artificial intelligence, brain, cognitive psychology, elon musk, gene of AI, Japanese Anime, space x
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Asian American Medical Hazard: Lung Cancers for Female Asian Non-Smokers (FANS)
When a family fried recently was diagnosed with lung cancer, we were all puzzled because she and her husband did not smoke. She wasn’t the first Asian American we knew that happened to, and according to this article, it’s a … Continue reading
Posted in Asian American Medical Hazard, Health, Health and Beauty, Lifestyles
Tagged Jeffrey Velotta, lung cancer
Tuning Asian American Diets for Heart Disease and Diabetes Prevention
The American Heart Association reported on a recent paper describing how Asian American diets can be tuned to prevent heart disease and diabetes. An important point that the paper makes make is that understanding the diets of each Asian ethnic … Continue reading
Kimchi: Good or Bad for You?
In the last few months, I have seen a number of articles about kimchi and in particular, its health benefits. As understanding of the human microbiome has grown, articles like this one talk about the probiotic and other benefits of … Continue reading
Asian American Medical Hazard: Hidden Fat and Hidden Diabetes
“Hidden fat” at first glance doesn’t look like a bad thing. Who wants to have everyone see where your fat is? But for Asian Americans Pacific Islanders and the Filipino, South Asian, and Pacific Islander subgroups in particular, fat tends … Continue reading
Smartwatch Heart Rate Monitoring for Darker Skin
As a smartwatch user who uses one to track health and fitness statistics, I have wondered how accurate it is, especially since my skin tone is on the darker side (see picture). We have written about how pulse oximeters have … Continue reading
Posted in Health, Health and Beauty, Lifestyles, Technology
Tagged heart rate monitoring, photoplethysmography, smartwatch
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California Shootings Highlight the Struggles of Asian American Seniors
After the initial shock about hearing about the Half Moon Bay shootings, my next reaction to hearing that Chunli Zhao actions were related to his work on a farm was “why is a 66-year-old working on a farm?” This shooting … Continue reading
American American Obesity Rates Vary Widely between Asian Subgroups
As it is now the holiday season, it is important for people to consider what and how much they are eating. While Asian American obesity rates are lower than the American average, a recently published study summarized here shows that … Continue reading
Asian American Medical Hazard: US Western States Drought
It might be seem like a stretch to call the Western States Drought a medical hazard particular to Asian Americans, but one aspect of the drought will affects certain Asian Americans more drastically: an increase in Valley Fever. Valley fever, … Continue reading
Posted in Asian American Medical Hazard, Current Events, Health, Health and Beauty, Lifestyles
Tagged Arizona, California, Coccidioidomycosis, Utah, Valley Fever
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Asian American Medical Hazard: Pulse Oximeter Readings
Reuters, NPR, and other news outlets report that African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians receive less supplemental oxygen when hospitalized because of a problem with a common medical instrument, the pulse oximeter. This instrument clips onto a finger, as shown in … Continue reading
Posted in Asian American Medical Hazard, Discrimination, Health, Health and Beauty
Tagged coronavirus, COVID-19, pulse oximeter