Tag Archives: mental health

CAAMFest 2024: Light of the Setting Sun

Going into this film, I didn’t know much about Light of the Setting Sun except from the CAAMFest program description: “Candid conversations meet photographic scenes, as the details of violence begin to take shape, and we witness how deep the … Continue reading

Posted in 8mm Film Review, Local, Movies, San Francisco Bay Area | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

An Astronaut, an Asian Parent’s Expectations, and a Space Ship Hatch Lock

“If you guys don’t give me a chance to repair my instrument, I’m not going back.” Asian Americans sometimes joke about Asian parents’ high expectations, but the expectations of an Asian father had lasting effects on space travel. In this … Continue reading

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California Shootings Highlight the Struggles of Asian American Seniors

After the initial shock about hearing about the Half Moon Bay shootings, my next reaction to hearing that Chunli Zhao actions were related to his work on a farm was “why is a 66-year-old working on a farm?” This shooting … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Current Events, Family, Health, Labor, Local, San Francisco Bay Area, Southern California | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

8Asians Interview: Rowena Chiu, Harvey Weinstein’s Former Assistant and Assault Victim, Speaks Out to the Asian American Community

Back in September 2019, when I had first read about a ‘Rowena Chiu’ who had come out publicly to recount for the first time Harvey Weinstein’s attempt to sexually assault her, I immediately instant messaged my friend Rowena the article … Continue reading

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Asian American Medical Hazard: Somatic Symptom Disorder

When she was 14, Diana Chao began experiencing severe pain in her eyes.  The pressure buildup in her eyes was diagnosed as uveitis, an inflammatory eye disease that caused her to go temporarily blind.  For the next four years, she … Continue reading

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Asian American Family Sues Harvard, but not for what you might think

Lawsuits against Harvard and well-known selective universities contending discrimination against Asian Americans have happened over the years, with the lawsuit sponsored by Edward Blum still in play and actively opposed by Harvard.  In late 2018, another kind of lawsuit against … Continue reading

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September is Suicide Prevention Month; “Together Not Alone” PSA #IFEELALIVE

#IFEELALIVE is a national awareness campaign launched on the Love and Discovery blog in support of Suicide Prevention Month in September. Suicide was the 8th leading cause of death for Asian-Americans, whereas it was the 11th leading cause of death … Continue reading

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Elisa Lam’s Death and Internet Afterlife

In early 2013, a young Asian Canadian woman named Elisa Lam was found dead in the water tank of the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles’s Skid Row.  After a cryptic video was released of her shortly before she died, the … Continue reading

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Finding Hope in Support Groups

Part 3 – Emily’s Story: Finding Hope in Support Groups By Emily Wu Truong In honor of July as National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, Guest Blogger Emily Wu Truong, who received a fellowship from the Entertainment Industries Council’s Mental Health … Continue reading

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Seeking Help in an Imperfect Mental Health System

Part 2 – Emily’s Story: Seeking Help in an Imperfect Mental Health System By Emily Wu Truong In honor of July as National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, Guest Blogger Emily Wu Truong, who received a fellowship from the Entertainment Industries … Continue reading

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July: National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

Part 1 – Emily’s Story: Living with Perfectionism & Depression By Emily Wu Truong In honor of July as National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, Guest Blogger Emily Wu Truong, who received a fellowship from the Entertainment Industries Council’s Mental Health … Continue reading

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The “it’s ok” Campaign Counters Stigma of Mental Illness

The it’s ok Campaign is an effort to battle the stigma of depression and mental illness in Asian American communities.  This project run by the Corporate Asian American Employee Network (CAAEN) will center its efforts around their Facebook page, where … Continue reading

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