Just in time for the holidays, the return of a favorite 8Asians topic: dating Asian women.
Are You Interested, one of the largest Facebook-based dating apps, “analyzed over 2.4 million interactions among its current user base in the United States to discover the likelihood of users to respond to other users based on race.”
- The data showed that Asian women are the most preferred by all men except Asian men – who prefer Hispanic women.
- Asian, Hispanic and Caucasian women prefer Caucasian men while Caucasian men are more likely to respond to everyone but Caucasian women.
Enter funny lady Kristina Wong, who makes an unforgettable appearance on “Alicia Menendez Tonight” with Josh Fischer of “Are you Interested?,” to show us why Asian woman are so damn desirable.
(I honestly don’t know how Alicia and Josh were able to keep straight faces during this.)
[See previous mentions of Kristina Wong on 8Asians]
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