Martial Arts TV Series “Into The Badlands”

Set in a post apocalyptic or possibly alternate universe, the story revolves around a man named Sunny who is a Clipper or warrior loyal to a Baron who is a sort of regional warlord. The social structure is totally feudal, with the Barons being the rich landowners who have many Cogs working as indentured servants–they’re practically slaves. Clippers are like knights or samurais, a class of warriors that serve the interests of the Baron they are loyal to. Their martial arts are exemplary primarily because guns are banned.

Daniel Wu as Sunny - Into the Badlands _ Season 1, Comic Con Art - Photo Credit: Patti Perret/AMC

Daniel Wu as Sunny – Into the Badlands _ Season 1, Comic Con Art – Photo Credit: Patti Perret/AMC

Sunny, played by Asian American actor Daniel Wu, is the best of the best of the Clippers, but he’s not sure if he wants to continue being the best killer in the land. He happens upon a mysterious boy named M.K., played by Asian American actor Aramis Knight, one of his Baron’s Cogs, who adds fuel to the fire of his longing for another life.

That’s right folks, you heard right. The two male leads are Asian Americans. Add it to the growing list of major television series starring APIA actors. Apparently, Asian Americans on TV is totally in season these days.

“Into the Badlands” will premiere November 15, 2015.

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