Electric bicycles on the rise in China

With gas prices on the rise, even with the car manufacturing boom in China, most people still cannot afford to own a automobile. Thus, they’re moving to the next best thing. Electric bicycles.

Truthfully, anyone that has ever ridden in a taxi in China’s major cities should know that the roads are almost too crowded as it is. The fact that there’s a rule if I’m not mistaken where even numbered license plates for taxis get to be in the city on certain days, and the odd number plates are allowed the other days, should be proof enough that cars aren’t really for the masses yet.

Seeing how most people get around on two wheels, and while the price tag is a little higher than most would like, it’s still definitely great to see that transportation advances moving forward for the majority of the Chinese.

Photo Credit: (avixyz)

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About Ben

Ben Hwang is involved in a number of online publications and also writes at his personal blog, LUX.ET.UMBRA. When he's not in the middle of starting companies and dreaming up new ventures, he is heavily involved in local community efforts. Currently resides in North Carolina.
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