From a racial perspective, the reality TV shows The Bachelor and The Bachelorette has been somewhat contorversial, considering that for most of the TV series existence, both shows has been pretty white. And 8Asians has covered this issue with blog posts such as:
- Where Are The Asians In The Bachelor/The Bachelorette?
- ‘The Bachelor’ Creator Defends All-White Cast
Wong Fu Productions does an *awesome* and hilarious parody of the shows and highlights a lot of the issues related to the stereotypes of Asian American men.
The production quality is also through the roof – very similar to what you’d expect to see from a network show.
I thought the actress, Jamie LaBarber, who plays the Bachelorette, does a great job, and couldn’t help notice that her red dress was quite a bit revealing and loose fitting …
There were some really funny lines pick-up lines that the Asian bachelor use. But what I think the parody does best is parody the style, conflict and emotions found in the The Bachelor & The Bachelorette shows.