Social Implications of DNA Testing: DN-nay? DN-yay!

The Sunday New York Times ran an article today about the social implications of gene and DNA testing. Will it lead to further support of racial inferiority?

“Scientists, for instance, have recently identified small changes in DNA that account for the pale skin of Europeans, the tendency of Asians to sweat less and West Africans’ resistance to certain diseases.”

Asians sweat less? Really? I honestly didn’t know that. I know we’re lactose intolerant, alcohol digestive enzyme deficient (red glow), good at math. Don’t even get me started on the “L’s” and “R’s”. But sweat less, too? I guess they’ve never seen me whenever an old girlfriend would say, “Brian, I’m late…

“Such developments are providing some of the first tangible benefits of the genetic revolution. Yet some social critics fear they may also be giving long-discredited racial prejudices a new potency.”

Here we go… “Social critics” (re: liberals). Oh for the love of God, what a bunch of bovine manure. We are different. It’s not the “difference” that’s dangerous. It’s the treatment and reaction to those differences that may be problematic. And knee jerk reactionaries are the problem. They hear a key word, and without any thought or deliberation, they grab a mental stock complaint form, check a few boxes, and file it. People are so afraid to point out “differences”. It’s like a dirty word.

Will racists use DNA tests as empirical evidence to argue that races are NOT equal? Sure (shocking)! But because a few people are going to misinterpret this information, it shouldn’t mean we quell the active pursuit of gaining that information.

“Well, what if you tell a young ________ – American that s/he isn’t genetically predisposed to being a doctor or lawyer or athlete or musician? That would dissuade that young impressionable child from ever pursuing his/her goals!”

If that’s the case, that stupid young impressionable child deserves to mop floors for the rest of his/her life. If someone points a finger in your face and tells you point blank, “You know, your people don’t genetically make good so-and-so’s. You should really just give it up now.” And you LISTEN? Please, don’t pass on your genes. Do humanity a favor and jump out a window, you no-resolve low-expectation horse’s ass.

Asians are told time and again, probably more so than any other race, what we are good at versus what we should never bother trying. We hear it overtly from within our own demographic, and a little more subtly from those on the outside. But we don’t need DNA tests or genetic statistics to feel the pressure of the invisible hand pushing us along certain career paths. Growing up here, we look around us (TV, magazines, film, music, etc.) and we see right away what’s the deal.

I was pushed into pursuing some cock and balls career I had no interest in. I even tried toughing it out and doing it. I was told more than once, “Asians aren’t funny. You don’t see that many Asians doing comedy. There aren’t any role models. Be smart. Give it up.” I always responded with a (figurative) “Go fuck yourself”. And stop with the ‘role models’ already. Be your own goddamn role model.

“There are clear differences between people of different continental ancestries,” said Marcus W. Feldman, a professor of biological sciences at Stanford University. “It’s not there yet for things like I.Q., but I can see it coming. And it has the potential to spark a new era of racism if we do not start explaining it better.”

And my point to all of this is: So what if there are clear differences? It is what YOU make it out to be. Perception is reality.

I know a lot of Asian guys who light up like Christmas trees the second they take their first sip of beer, but believe you me, that hasn’t stopped them from fulfilling their dreams of becoming degenerate alcoholics. That, my friends, is an iron will, DNA tests be damned.

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About Brian

I live and work in NYC... and I love coffee. I really, really love coffee. Read me at
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