Goo Goo Doll’s New Video Home Has Band Singing Around Asians

By Ken

When the director discussed her vision for the Goo Goo Dolls video Home, alarms went off left and right: she wanted Asians to make up a surrealistic world to drop the band in, one in which the Goo Goo Dolls would feel alienated. I immediately called my friend and asked if the band was known for being racist — she couldn’t recall anything. That quelled some concern for stepping into an anti-Asian project, even though I was also concerned about it being non-union (SAG).

So I woke up agonizingly early for a shoot in Little Tokyo. The best thing about the whole day was the made-to-order omelets. The day made me appreciate AFTRA jobs so much more; I’m not sure how film shoots can go beyond 8 hours and not pay additional money, but there I was, for 13 hours.

Upon seeing the vid, my observations: What’s the point? Why Asian? And also: “Good. I got cut.” But what are your thoughts?

ABOUT KEN: Ken Choy is an actor, writer, community organizer, and producer of Breaking the Bow. He is gay, green, and gluten-free.

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