Conan vs. Taiwan’s Next Media: Animation Faceoff!

It was just a little over a year ago when Tiger Woods was in a car accident when then unknown Taiwanese animation studio Next Media Animation became infamous for its animated depiction of the post-Thanksgiving event. Recently, TBS TV comedian and talk show host Conan O’Brien did a fake animation news reel in jest about him fighting with his sidekick Andy Richter.

Well, Next Media Animation reacted with a quick counter-attack within 48 hours! Watch the hilarious rebuttal here. Conan is going to respond, but since they only have one animator, it’s going to take a while. (Their first animated video took something like six weeks to do by one Team Coco animator! Apparently Next Media has 300 animators!)

About John

I'm a Taiwanese-American and was born & raised in Western Massachusetts, went to college in upstate New York, worked in Connecticut, went to grad school in North Carolina and then moved out to the Bay Area in 1999 and have been living here ever since - love the weather and almost everything about the area (except the high cost of housing...)
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