San Francisco Bachelor Auction Featuring Grant Imahara

For those of you eligible straight ladies who are in the Bay on June 23, the Guardsmen are having their annual Bachelor Auction to help support their programs for at-risk youth in the San Francisco Bay Area. Among the many fine–and God, do I mean fine–men who are available for bidding is one Mythbuster by the name of Grant Imahara, as well as Larry Chiang, a former male model turned businessman and bestselling business writer. Mr. Chiang can run my business any time.

I DID run into Grant Imahara in real life at the SF SoMa Whole Foods and found him all right, though apparently my roommate was completely fan-boyed out. I pushed the roommate aside so I can finish my shopping. Anyway, apparently the Bachelor Auction has spawned a couple of weddings, so who knows? Maybe a potential husband is waiting in the wings for a lucky lady.

(Flickr photo credit: marksmotos)

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About Efren

Efren is a 30-something queer Filipino American guy living in San Francisco. In the past, he was a wanna-be academic even teaching in Asian American studies at San Francisco State, a wanna-be queer rights and HIV activist, and he used to "blog" when that meant spewing one's college student angst using a text editor on a terminal screen to write in a BBS or usenet back in the early 90s. For all his railing against the model minority myth, he's realized he's done something only a few people can claim--getting into UCSF twice, once for a PhD program in medical sociology which he left; and then for pharmacy school, where he'll be a member of the class of '13. He apologizes profusely for setting the bar unintentionally high for his cousins. blog twitter
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