Save Nina


Ever since I had a baby, I’m way more emotional than I have ever been. Put it this way, it’s not uncommon to find me tearing up during television sitcoms and romantic comedies. That’s why the first time I heard about Nina and what she is going through, I felt like crying and wanted to do everything I could to help her.

Here is a little bit more about Nina:

An extraordinary woman, mother, and wife is looking for a bone marrow donor.  Nina Polvanich Louie has been fighting lymphoma since September and now only has 2 months left to find a match for a bone marrow transplant.  Nina is of Chinese/Thai descent.

I realized the best way I could help is to help spread the word about bone marrow donors. I don’t think a lot of people know this but Asian Americans are underrepresented in the National Bone Marrow Registry. That’s why it’s important for everyone to register so that Nina (and many others) have a better chance at finding a match.

Registering is easy and doesn’t take much time. A3M will even send a home kit to you. (But please don’t request one unless you are really planning on sending it back, they are a nonprofit and sending out these kits can get quite expensive).

I have a simple question for you, dear reader: Have you registered yet? To find out more about Nina and to see how you can help go to, To request a home typing kit, click here.

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About Koji Steven Sakai

Writer/Producer Koji Steven Sakai is the founder of Little Nalu Pictures LLC and the CEO of CHOPSO (, the first Asian English streaming video service. He has written five feature films that have been produced, including the indie hit, The People I’ve Slept With. He also produced three feature films, a one hour comedy special currently on Netflix, and Comedy InvAsian, a live and filmed series featuring the nation’s top Asian American comedians. Koji’s debut novel, Romeo & Juliet Vs. Zombies, was released in paperback in 2015 and in audiobook in 2016 and his graphic novel, 442, was released in 2017. In addition, he is currently an adjunct professor in screenwriting at International Technological University in San Jose.
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