My love affair with Kewpie

But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Kewpie is the sun!

It was junior high when we first met. When mother brought you into the door from the local Uwajimaya and offered you a sandwich. That was the day that our lips first touched.

I recollect the first time I caressed your soft, plastic bottle. As I gently twisted your red cap and unleashed your flow of delectable mayonnaise onto my Iron Kids white bread. The texture. The buoyancy. I remember the enticing smell like it was only yesterday. Your delicious flavor was like sweet nectar to a bumblebee, and making those other bottles on the shelf seem so trivial.

Since then, there have been other mayonnaise in my life and my only excuse is that I have not searched you out like I should have. But I’ve reminisced. I’ve longed for another taste.

I just wanted you to know that there were words that I failed to tell you, when we first met and I’ve regretted ever since. So at our next tryst, I will affectionately whisper to you, “I <3 you, Kewpie. I <3 you." Photo Credit: (jensteele)

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About Ben

Ben Hwang is involved in a number of online publications and also writes at his personal blog, LUX.ET.UMBRA. When he's not in the middle of starting companies and dreaming up new ventures, he is heavily involved in local community efforts. Currently resides in North Carolina.
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