Oh, 3D Taiwanese CGI company, how dependable you are for Asian American blogs: Next Media Animation just released a video to illustrate that Panda Express — Americanized Chinese fast food chain of talking panda commercials and fried, breaded meats in candy-sweet sauces that would get mocked overseas — will be expanding their chain to China. Can you believe that? It’s like Taco Bell expanding to Mexico! (Oh, wait.)
So to sum this video up: the Taiwanese are making fun of Americans who indirectly mock Chinese-Americans by making bastardized Chinese food, only to sell that same Americanized food back to the Chinese, although ironically, there may be a Chinese twist on this Americanized Chinese food, meaning that Chinese Americanized Chinese food might just make it Chinese food again. Also, my brain just exploded.
So my question to you: What do you call the Chinese version of Americanized Chinese food? And is this basically the flip version of what Chinese people think western food tastes like?
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Disgusted
- Sad
- Angry