8Books Review: When Lola Visits

I ordinarily do not review children’s books, but I couldn’t help myself after The Wife gave me the book When Lola Visits to wrap as a Christmas present for one of her nephews. “Lola” means grandmother in Tagalog. This book evoked cherished memories of when my children’s Lola would take care of them. The Wife’s mother and father lived with us for many years, and her Mom did many of things of the things in the book like singing to my children in Ilocano and Tagalog and cooking for them. I was pleasantly surprised that the author Michelle Sterling made a trailer for the book – it gives a good idea of the book’s content without giving everything away.

I cannot definitely say if my wife’s nephew will like the book, but I think he could really relate to it as his Lola often stays over to take care of him. The illustrations by Aaron Asis work wells the story. While the book is about Filipinos, I think it could be enjoyed by children of any ethnicity as it tells a story about family and summer days. When Lola Visits get my recommendation.

If you are interested in giving Filipino-oriented Christmas gifts like When Lola Visits, Sterling made this list. It has recommendations not just for kids but people of all ages.


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About Jeff

Jeff lives in Silicon Valley, and attempts to juggle marriage, fatherhood, computer systems research, running, and writing.
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