Tag Archives: bamboo ceiling

Wesley Yang’s “Paper Tigers” and the APA Identity Crisis

When you open Wesley Yang’s  “Paper Tigers” in New York Magazine, you will notice a half naked East Asian man starring blankly right back at you as its greeting. Playfully, you may think that the title evoke images of tigers … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Discrimination, Observations | Tagged , , , , , | 125 Comments

The Bamboo Ceiling

I’ve written in the past about the glass ceiling for Asians in corporate America, but until I found this recent article on Asian scientists, I didn’t realize there was a specific term for the ceiling when referring to Asians, specifically … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Current Events, Discrimination | Tagged | 10 Comments

CNN: American Morning: An Asian glass ceiling?

Today, in the on-going American Morning series, Yul Kwon covers the topic of “An Asian glass ceiling? (video)” As I’ve written in a previous post, “Working While Asian/Asian-American,” Kwon covers the topic of Asian-American stereotypes in the workplace. Challenging authority, … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Discrimination | Tagged | 13 Comments