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Tag Archives: divorce
Review: Netflix’s “Let’s Get Divorced”
Sheltered third generation politician Taishi Shoji (Tori Matsuzaka) and wildly successful actress Yui Kurosawa (Riisa Naka) can no longer stand each other and want to get a divorce, but their high profile life makes it extremely difficult to do so … Continue reading
Posted in Dating, Entertainment, Lifestyles, TV
Tagged Asian drama, comedy, divorce, Japan, japanese drama, let's get divorced, Netflix, Riisa Naka, romantic comedy, romcom, Tori Matsuzaka, TV show
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American Dad Jailed in Japan for Trying to Bring Kids Home
Earlier this year, a New Jersey dad fought to get his son back from Brazil from his ex-wife’s family. Now, a similarly heart-breaking scenario is playing out–this time, in Japan. Christopher Savoie is sitting in jail right now because he … Continue reading
Posted in (featured), Current Events, Family
Tagged abduction, arrest, child, child protective services, children, Christopher Savoie, custody, divorce, Japan, kids