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Tag Archives: Bone Marrow Registry
Alex Tung Needs a Bone Marrow Donor
This is the type of post that we would like to do less often, but until more Asians and Asian Americans are in bone marrow registries, will continue to do so. Alex Tung has Acute Myeloid Leukemia and needs a … Continue reading
Jeremy Kong gets a Bone Marrow Transplant
After Janet Liang died, one of the people mentioned who also needed a bone marrow transplant was 2 year old Jeremy Kong. Jeremy, whose situation is explained in the video above, suffered from Acute Myeloid Leukemia. The Kong Family blog reports … Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged Asian American Donor Program, Bone Marrow Registry, Janet Liang, Jeremy Kong
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Janet Liang Dies after Receiving Bone Marrow Transplant
Janet Liang has died after receiving the bone marrow she and others had worked so hard to make possible. While she lived, she inspired many to register in the bone marrow registry, potentially saving many many others. Some might be … Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged Amit Gupta, Asian American Donor Program, Bone Marrow Registry, Janet Liang, Jeremy Kong