Tag Archives: Nielsen

Measuring Inclusive Casting: Hulu tops for AAPI with a 32.2% share of Cast

Media representation has long been an issue for Asian Americans, to the point where  8Asians has a series dedicated toward representation in commercials.  So exactly how are Asian Americans doing?  Nielson’s Gracenote division has announced that they have released a … Continue reading

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Nielsen Finds that Asian Americans are Key Audience for Ad Supported Video On-Demand

The ratings and audience measurement and analysis firm Nielsen has found that Asian Americans are a key audience for ad supported video on-demand services (AVOD), among other findings in their just released their report, Reaching Asian American Audiences: Understanding Asian … Continue reading

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Top 5 Asian American TV Series: First half of 2017

So what do Asian Americans watch on TV?  USA Today analyzed Nielsen data for most of the first half of 2017 and came up with the data shown above.  I was personally was surprised that it was so divergent compared … Continue reading

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Nielsen Reports On The State Of The Asian American Consumer

Nielsen recently released a report on Asian American consumers, called State of the Asian American Consumer Report: Growing Market, Growing Impact. It focuses on Asian American buying habits (e.g. Asian American make more shopping trips and are less likely to … Continue reading

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