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Tag Archives: racial intolerance
Another White College Kid Rants About Asians: Is Samuel Hendrickson the New Alexandra Wallace?
UPDATE 3/9/2013 @ 10am: YouTube removed the original video for being hate speech, so I’ve updated the video embed with a mirror from LiveLeak. Thanks to commenter Aishi Yupi for providing the link. UPDATE 3/6/2013 @ 9:30pm Pacific Time: It … Continue reading
Posted in Comedy, Current Events, Discrimination
Tagged alexandra wallace, apology, cheap humor, college, ethnic humor, humor, racial intolerance, racism, racist, sam hendrickson, samuel hendrickson, video, videos, vlogging
Cowardly assault at WSU a reminder of racial intolerance
As the years pass, you would have imagined that racial tolerance would be progressing. Yet an incident that occurred at my alma mater, Washington State University, spoke of regression. Why is this problematic? When I first read about this particular … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination, Observations, WTF
Tagged , assault, hate crime, racial intolerance, Washington State University