Obama campaign needs to lose 80/20

If there’s anything I despise, it’s spam.

One thing I hate worse than spam? It’s political spam. And the 80-20 Initiative doesn’t do itself or the Democratic Party any favors.

Lo and behold, I go and check the one single e-mail address I hold currently that I have never given out. I mean, seriously. Since I created this account in 1997, it’s been used for other things under the profile. Every so often, I’ll run some content to the email, but it’s never given out as my personal email for any reason that I can think of. And go figure this out. It’s different from the one that I wrote about back in April on this annoying group.

In any case, I’ve already made up my mind on whom I’m going to vote for in the next election. But I tell you what. If Asian Americans hate the whole spam bit as much as I do? E-mails like this that come out of the blue and obviously target you by based on your last name, would definitely put anyone over the edge and vote against the party that the e-mail is supporting.

When it comes down to it, I personally truly hate marketing tactics based on:
(1) Compiling “phone book lists” looking for people’s last names.
(2) Spammy type emails that don’t have automatic removals.

What’s worse? Political messages are not enforceable by the FTC via the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. Oh yeah, you as Asian Americans must deal with this “organization” (if you can even call it that) and just take their junk.

I’ll also add that it’s interesting in checking my spam folder for that account, I’m now signed up for a bunch of Asian spam in native language. Pretty nice considering I don’t really read native language sites much, and definitely don’t give them that email even if I did. Gee, doesn’t take a genius to run them both together does it, especially when I don’t get anything else there. Since 1997.

Personally, if I was Obama and Biden’s campaign? I’d probably not take any money from this PAC and make darn sure they weren’t linked. Jaehwan put it into words perfectly in this comment:
“Thinking Asian Americans disagree on different things, but it seems like all of us are united in condemning 80/20.”

About Ben

Ben Hwang is involved in a number of online publications and also writes at his personal blog, LUX.ET.UMBRA. When he's not in the middle of starting companies and dreaming up new ventures, he is heavily involved in local community efforts. Currently resides in North Carolina.
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