8 Most Popular Posts (Last Seven Days)
In a Post-Apocalyptic Zombie World, Asian American Man Gets White Girl
Asian American Commercial Watch: Liberty Mutual Insurance’s ‘First Word | Truth Tellers’
Do Asians Have Body Hair?
Asian Guys and that One Long Pinky Fingernail
Review of Netflix Japan’s “Our Secret Diary”
A Guide To A Buddhist/Chinese/American Funeral
‘Fresh off the Boat’ Episode Review: “Clean Slate”
The Difference Between Internment Camps and Concentration Camps
Tag Archives: 8Asians
Why So Few Asians in Oregon?
When we look at the spread of Asian American populations across America, we tend to see them clustered around the West Coast and a few other major cities, such as NYC. Their prominence on the West Coast is heavily linked … Continue reading
Koreatown – Trendy Nightlife or Neighborhood in Decline?
Koreatown, LA – a vibrant and bustling place, especially during the night. Full of bars, restaurants, shops, and nightclubs, the area attracts many young adults and teenagers in the LA region. As the densest neighborhood in LA County, totaling at … Continue reading
Posted in Food & Drink, History, Local, Southern California
Tagged 1992 riots, 8Asians, Asian, D line, gentrification, korea, Koreatown, la, LA metro, los angeles
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Staple Apparel Spring/Summer 2012
This week we are excited to present a look at New York City company Staple Design’s Spring/Summer 2012 apparel collection. “Theology” is the theme, centered around bible verse Mark 8:36, which is printed on a hidden label inside every shirt. … Continue reading
Posted in Apparel
Tagged 8Asians, For Men, GASP!, Jeff Ng, jeffstaple, Jonathan Mannion, Lotus, men's clothing, Payless Shoes, Rawkus Records, Reed Pages, Reed Space, snapback hats, snapbacks, Spring/Summer 2012, Staple Apparel, Staple Design, Staple pidgeon, streetwear, t-shirt, truth1585
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One Trip Grip Grocery Bag Holder
Going to the farmers’ market is so good for the soul: browsing through colorful produce, supporting local businesses, and going home with a bunch of healthy stuff. Well, maybe not the last part. Trying to return home with the day’s … Continue reading
Posted in Accessories, Food
Tagged 8Asians, asian american blogs, farmer's market, grocery bag, grocery bag holder, reuseable bags, shopping blogs
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80%20 Shoes
Springtime is coming, and that means one particular thing: spring cleaning! Out with the old and in with the new—and that goes for your wardrobe too. While you’re switching out wool coats for light jackets, don’t forget about updating your … Continue reading
Posted in Accessories, Apparel
Tagged 8Asians, anthropologie, asian american blogs, booties, ce ce chin, hidden wedge, lace-up shoes, new york shoe company, new york shoes, shoes, shopping, shopping blogs, solestruck, spring summer 2012, wedges, women's apparel, women's clothes, women's shoes
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Lucky Peach magazine
The growing prevalence of food culture has put America long past the days of grilled cheese (-product) sandwiches and unfulfilling TV dinners. We know the difference between macaroon and macaron, that grass-fed beef tastes better, and why Monsanto needs to … Continue reading
Posted in Books, Food
Tagged 8Asians, Anthony Bourdain, Christina Tosi, cooking magazine, culinary magazine, David Chang, Ferran Adria, food magazine, food trucks, GASP!, Lucky Peach, macaron, McSweeney, McSweeney's, momofuku, Monsanto, New York Times, Peter Meehan, ramen, taiyaki, takoyaki, Wylie Dufresne
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The 8Asians Writers Talk About: Where Are You From?
“Where are you from?” It’s the most dreaded question of all questions. Well, it is right after “How do you pronounce your name?” but we already discussed that topic earlier.The question is usually posed as an introduction to learn more … Continue reading
The 8Asians Writers Talk About: My Name
Growing up, there were times when I absolutely hated my name, and other moments I thanked my parents for bestowing a one-of-a-kind handle on my head. Today, I feel somewhere in the middle: ordering a drink at Starbucks still gives … Continue reading
The 8Asians Writers Talk About: My Comfort Food
May is Asian Pacific American Heritage month! Welcome to our compilation series featuring all of our 8A bloggers celebrating, sharing and even complaining about our collective APA backgrounds. What better way to kick this off than talking about food? Comfort … Continue reading