Author Archives: Edwin Bai

About Edwin Bai

Sociology and Political Science double major at the University of Washington. I am an ethnic Han Chinese born and raised in the San Gabriel Valley.

Have Asian Americans Gotten Richer or Poorer?

Asian Americans have often been lauded for their high financial and educational achievements, despite being second-class citizens when they first arrived in America. They have some of the highest average incomes, educational attainment, and standards of living in the US, … Continue reading

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Exploitasian: The Story of Chinese Workers in Gold-Rush America

China’s rise to economic dominance in the late 1900s largely came from its massive population and the cheap labor that it provided to foreign corporations, with “companies like Nike, Apple and Walmart relying on Chinese workers to manufacture their products”. … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Discrimination, History, Labor, Paper, Politics, San Francisco Bay Area | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

The Molded Minority

In the discussions of racism and its impact in the United States, people often commonly refer to the racial relationships between White and Black Americans. In history textbooks, we study in depth the discriminatory practices and laws perpetrated by Whites … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Discrimination, Education, History, Legal, Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment