Tag Archives: Japanese American

Kanaye Nagasawa and the other Asian Americans who built California Wine Country

Asian Americans are generally not associated with California Wine Country, but they were key players in getting it established.  Chinese laborers built and worked in Sonoma’s oldest winery, Buena Vista Winery, as well as planting millions of grapevines between 1856 … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Discrimination, History, Labor, Local, San Francisco Bay Area | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

8Asians Book Review: The Repatriation of Henry Chin

The Repatriation of Henry Chin, written by Issac Ho and read by Anthony Lee on audiobook, is about a future where the United States has been in an escalating trade war with China which eventually leads to the roundup of … Continue reading

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The Most Important Video You’ll See Today

This is a video I believe every Asian American–heck, every American–should see. In it, the Honorable Ron Dellums from Oakland gave one of the most stirring speeches about the effects of the taking of Japanese Americans had on people outside … Continue reading

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George Tetsuo Aratani, Nisei Entrepreneur and Philanthropist, Passes Away at Age 95

George Aratani, a survivor of the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, and later successful businessman and philanthropist who founded Mikasa and Kenwood, passed away Tuesday, February 19, 2013 at the age of 95. His legacy in philanthropy … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Community, History, Southern California | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Why George Takei is Simply Awesome

If you’ve been using Facebook for the past year or so, chances are that you may have come across a hilarious meme, quote, or pictures from a certain “George Takei.” You may be asking yourself, “Wait, George Takei as in … Continue reading

Posted in Entertainment, LGBT | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Tim Burton’s All Asian American Hansel & Gretel Film

So everyone in L.A. has been visiting our beloved Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) to see the latest blockbuster art exhibit featuring the art of director Tim Burton. Appropriately, this exhibit will be on display until Halloween 2011. … Continue reading

Posted in Entertainment, Movies, The Arts | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Imagined Futures Conference in Los Angeles for up and coming APA artists

As a graduate of the UCLA Asian American Studies Department, I am usually pretty interested in events that are sponsored by my former department at my alma mater. The upcoming “Imagined Futures” conference definitely piques my interest not just because … Continue reading

Posted in Movies, The Arts | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

What does Shinseki mean to the Department of Veteran Affairs?

Over the weekend, retired four star Army General Eric Shinseki, was appointed as the Secretary of Veteran Affairs in the new Obama administration. So what does this mean for one of the largest government agencies? Personally, I don’t think it’ll … Continue reading

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