Category Archives: Environment

Toxic Chinese Honey Made It to U.S. Stores

According to the U.S. Food Safety News Chinese honeymakers are disguising the origin of their honey by shipping it to other Asian nations including Vietnam, Malaysia, and India, in order to smuggle it to the United States. What’s worse is … Continue reading

Posted in (simple), Environment, Food & Drink | Leave a comment

China’s First Driverless Car Appears on Busy Roads of China

via PopSci: Some states in the U.S. are already on their way to passing driverless legislation. Google is not the only one working on driverless cars. Back in July, China tested the Chinese driverless car on the busy Chinese Expressway. … Continue reading

Posted in (simple), Environment, Technology | 2 Comments

Are Asian Americans Contributing to Frog Extinction?

A Scientific American blog post points to a study, “Canapés to Extinction: The International Trade in Frogs’ Legs and Its Ecological Impact” (pdf) from conservation groups Pro Wildlife, Defenders of Wildlife, and the Animal Welfare Institute, that states that Asian American … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, Food & Drink | Tagged , , , | 13 Comments

Hawaii Enforces Shark Fin Ban

From MSNBC: While California has been battling over a proposed shark fin ban, today Hawaii started to enforce its own ban that was passed into law earlier this year. “Restaurants serving fins will have until next July to run through … Continue reading

Posted in (simple), Environment, Food & Drink, Local, Politics | 16 Comments

Asian American Fishermen Affected by Mercury Pollution

While some Asian Americans/Canadians fish for recreation, others fish in order to use their catch to directly feed their families. The Sierra Club is publicizing a study showing how mercury pollution in fish is affecting Hispanic communities, with some Hispanic … Continue reading

Posted in (simple), Environment, Food & Drink, Health, Lifestyles | Tagged , | 1 Comment

EXCLUSIVE: Assembly Member Paul Fong on the CA Shark Fin Soup Ban

A few weeks ago, I blogged about the California state assembly member Paul Fong’s introduction of a bill on banning the sale of shark fin soup in the state of California. Since Fong is actually my representative and his office … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Environment, Local, Politics, San Francisco Bay Area | 4 Comments

California Bill To Ban Shark Fin Soup

If you’ve ever been to a Chinese wedding (or even if you haven’t), you’ve probably had at one time shark fin soup during a Chinese banquet. I like shark fin soup when offered, but can’t say that it’s my favorite … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Environment, Food & Drink, Politics, San Francisco Bay Area | 12 Comments

Japanese Town Slams The Cove’ Oscar Win

Taijicho, the Japanese whaling town profiled in the documentary The Cove, has criticized the movie’s win at last night’s Academy Awards for best documentary, saying the film is intolerant of cultural differences.  “Documentaries are supposed to accurately report facts. But … Continue reading

Posted in (simple), Entertainment, Environment, Lifestyles, Movies | 2 Comments

Japanese Dolphin-Hunting Exposed in New Documentary

I can’t wait to see the new documentary The Cove, about dolphin hunting in Taijii, Japan. Here is the description from Sundance Film Festival: “…the town has a dark, horrifying secret that it doesn’t want the rest of the world … Continue reading

Posted in Entertainment, Environment, Lifestyles, Movies | 9 Comments

The White Croaker and Asian American Eating Habits

Officials from the California Department of Fish and Game having been going to fishing piers and Chinese and Vietnamese markets in Southern California looking for people catching or buying white croaker (pictured).  This article from the San Jose Mercury News … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Environment, Food & Drink, Health, Lifestyles, Local, Southern California | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

WSJ: In China, New Risks Emerge At Giant Three Gorges Dam

In today’s Wall Street Journal, the newspaper reports that “In China, New Risks Emerge At Giant Three Gorges Dam.” As you may or may not know, Three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric river dam started in 2003 and completed recently, … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Environment, Observations | 2 Comments

As China Roars, Pollution Reaches Deadly Extremes

In this weekend’s Sunday New York Times, the newspaper covers the cost of China’s economic growth in the article, “As China Roars, Pollution Reaches Deadly Extremes.” The facts and figures are pretty staggering: “Environmental degradation is now so severe, with … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Environment, Observations | 7 Comments