8 Most Popular Posts (Last Seven Days)
In a Post-Apocalyptic Zombie World, Asian American Man Gets White Girl
Asian American Commercial Watch: Liberty Mutual Insurance’s ‘First Word | Truth Tellers’
Asian Guys and that One Long Pinky Fingernail
Do Asians Have Body Hair?
Review of Netflix Japan’s “Our Secret Diary”
A Guide To A Buddhist/Chinese/American Funeral
The Difference Between Internment Camps and Concentration Camps
‘Fresh off the Boat’ Episode Review: “Clean Slate”
Tag Archives: asians
Revisiting the question of whether Filipinos are Asians or Pacific Islanders
Are Filipinos Asians or Pacific Islanders? That is a question we dealt with on 8asians a long time ago, and most questionnaires and surveys put Filipinos into the Asian category. The question does come up peridiocally, as the Fung brothers … Continue reading
Do Asians Smell?
Dear 8Asians readers, After a long long long hiatus, I’m back! And asking the hard hitting questions I’ve come to be known for. Please send me questions that you want answered! Today’s topic is—drum roll please—“Do Asians Smell?” (This should … Continue reading
COLORBLIND: Jason Chu’s Poem Response to the La Jolla Playhouse
Check out this amazing spoken word piece by Jason Chu that comments on the La Jolla Playhouse casting controversy, as well as that of the obstacles Asian and Asian American actors when trying to be seen in the Hollywood system. … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Entertainment
Tagged asian actors, asians, Hollywood, jason chu, la jolla playhouse, spoken poetry, stereotypes, whitewashing
Where Are The Asians In La Jolla Playhouse’s The Nightingale?
Within the Asian American theater and entertainment community, a huge uproar is in the air after the announcement was made on who the cast members were for La Jolla Playhouse‘s The Nightingale, a musical set in feudal China. This came … Continue reading
Coldplay’s Princess of China Music Video Looks Misguided
Coldplay’s single, “Princess of China” featuring Rihanna, now has a music video which was released on last Sunday night. Other than the title, I knew the music video was going to be Asian-themed from the amount of Asian actors they … Continue reading
Warner Bros. To Adapt Japanese Anime “Bleach”
After a set back with Akira being shelved for the time being, Warner Bros is keen on adapting another manga for the big-screen. The manga in target sight is Bleach, a popular Japanese series written by Tite Kubo where “a … Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment, Movies
Tagged akira, anime, asian americans, asians, bleach, Hollywood, manga, stereotypes, warner brothers, whitewashing
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Top 7 Best “Sh*t ___ Say” Videos About Asian People
Ever since the “Shit Girls Say” video launched onto YouTube a month ago, the internet community took it as a chance to create every single commentary out there about a specific group of people that they would like to parody. … Continue reading
‘2 Broke Girls’ Creator Defends Ethnic Stereotypes… With More Stereotypes
On January 10th, at the Television Critics Association Press Tour in Pasadena, things got a bit hairy and awkward at the Q&A panel for CBS’ new comedy “2 Broke Girls” when critics asked the show creator, Michael Patrick King, of … Continue reading
Lowes Pulls Ads From TLC’s All-American Muslim
TLC’s All-American Muslim profiles several Michigan Muslim families as normal people with everyday issues and triumphs. It has been generally well received by the public and critics, which I see this as a real positive sign that we are making … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination, Entertainment, Family, Lifestyles, Religion, TV
Tagged all-american muslim, asian americans, asians, bigotry, florida family association, Islam, lowe's, muslims, prejudice, stereotype, terrorism
The Red Dawn Remake To Be Released in 2012
After nearly two years of stalling, the Red Dawn remake has finally found a distributor willing to take on this film, after MGM emerged from bankruptcy in 2009 and deciding not to release it. FilmDistrict, an independent studio, is finalizing … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Entertainment, Movies
Tagged America, asian americans, asian invasion, asians, chinese, chris hemsworth, filmdistrict, Hunger Games, kenneth choi, mgm, red dawn, remake, stereotypes, superpower, Thor, xenophobia, yellow peril
Fight Breaks Out Between Muslims & NY Police Over Hijabs
August 31st marked the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. For those who know the ordeal and discipline one must go through with Ramadan, it is clear to say that Eid al-Fitr is a joyous occasion worth celebrating. … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Discrimination
Tagged asians, Discrimination, hijabs, Islam, islamophobia, muslims, New York
Taika Waititi: Who is the “Pieface” in Green Lantern?
On June 7th, I had the privilege of checking out a press screening of Warner Brothers’ Green Lantern which opens in theaters on June 17th. Within this film are two Pacific Islander actors who play significant roles in this blockbuster film: Taika … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Discrimination, Entertainment, Movies
Tagged asians, green lantern, inuit, martin campbell, pieface, racial slurs, ryan reynolds, stereotype, taika waititi, temuera morrison