8 Most Popular Posts (Last Seven Days)
In a Post-Apocalyptic Zombie World, Asian American Man Gets White Girl
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Review of Netflix Japan’s “Our Secret Diary”
A Guide To A Buddhist/Chinese/American Funeral
The Attractive, Accomplished, and Fake Chinese Women who want to connect with me
Tag Archives: culture
Anything but Blind
“There really isn’t any other products out there like the concept of blind boxes,” toy influencer KiraKabuki says. “It’s something like you can hold and something that you can bring around you. It’s something that you can display in your … Continue reading
Posted in Accessories, Art, Home Decor, Lifestyles, Shopping, Toys
Tagged blind boxes, brat summer, community building, culture, Fullerton, gashapon, home decor, KiraKabuki, maximalism, Mayee Yeh, pacothesalamander, PopMart, Smiski, Sonny Angel, Soul Real Market, SWAP meets, trinkets
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Being an Asian in New England
A couple of months ago, I moved from Los Angeles to the northwestern part of Connecticut for my new job. I had never lived in a small town with about 95 percent Caucasians before. Honestly, I had more culture shock … Continue reading
Cultural Blackmail: The Hipsterization of Asian America
Very few things can get me to pop in while I’m still vagabonding and give even an inkling of attention for something in another universe. Unfortunately for you all, the recent article about being “hip” to be Asian-American, which coincides … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Discrimination, Observations
Tagged adbusters, culture, hipsters, slavoj zizek, southern california, subtle magazine
One out of Seven New Marriages Interracial or Inter-Ethnic
For those that have never really caught it before, yes, I am in an interracial relationship. So understanding quite well that I too am a part of this Pew statistic where one in seven new marriages are interracial or inter-ethnic, … Continue reading
Posted in Dating, Observations
Tagged ABC, Asian-American, chinese, culture, interracial marriage, pew, statistic
Alex Ko: The New Billy Elliot on Broadway is Asian!
Thirteen year old Alex Ko has been named to be the new Billy Elliot on Broadway. A gifted dancer and half Chinese-American, Alex Ko is set to become the first Asian-American Billy Elliot in the Broadway production of the Elton … Continue reading
Japan’s Ambassadors of Cute
You know that you’ve walked into a different world when the Japan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs named three models as their new ambassadors of cute. That’s right. You heard me. Kawaii Taishi. Misako Aoki, Yu Kimura and Shizuka Fujioka represent … Continue reading
Posted in Fashion, Observations
Tagged ambassadors, culture, harajuku, kawaii, lolita, punk, school girl, Tokyo
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How anime and manga has infiltrated Western culture
I remember back in the day, in junior high, when I thought about how strange it was that the great comic book series, Dragonball Z and City Hunter were not available for purchase in the United States except through imports. … Continue reading
Immigrants just want to blend into the crowd
Interesting conversation I had with a friend of mine. I had asked why he spoke American English without an accent since he was taught in the style of British proper as are pretty much all Asians that immigrate to the … Continue reading